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For various reasons, naturally mined diamonds are losing a bit of their luster in farming. For many, this may be due to the true financial price of diamonds, but human rights concerns and the environmental consequences of mining these rocks are also an issue. Of course, if you're a traditionalist, then something other than a diamond ring might seem like an overseas principle.

That's why, in the new year, couples are looking for less expensive, more sustainable ring alternatives without straying far from the idea of a "diamond engagement ring." If this looks like you, you might consider a lab-grown diamond or moissanite for your engagement ring or wedding ceremony ring. But before you do that, there's a big difference you need to know, because they're not exactly the same.

Moissanite is a gemstone that we often see on engagement rings offered by jewelers, but it can also be seen on other ring styles. It is a precious stone that is very similar to a diamond, but there are still differences. The differences are minimal when we see the two crafted stones, but they still exist. The difference exists primarily in the carats that the diamond and moissanite have, and we will talk more about whether the carats are the same and what the difference is in the sequel.

According to the Mohs hardness, diamond has a hardness superior to that of moissanite. However, the difference is not that significant. Diamond has a hardness score of 10, while moissanite is closer to 9.25. Hence, both of these stones will last a long time as they are durable enough. Often, gemstone lovers want to buy something new and different. So when they go to a jeweler, they're introduced to moissanite and diamonds, which are very similar. But are they similar in Krat? Is one carat of this beautiful gem the same as a one carat diamond? A one carat moissanite is much larger than a one carat diamond, which means that the moissanite is less valuable than a diamond, which is reflected in the carat. But it's still considered one of the more valuable and beautiful stones you can afford.

The Gemological Institute of America (GIA), the world's foremost authority on diamonds and colored gemstones, said moissanite's intense fire would "reveal it as a non-diamond gem."

At the end of the day, there are optical and structural differences, but Pascal's lab-grown diamonds are grown to an extremely high standard, and they are more durable than moissanite, which in our opinion makes them a better choice.

Both moissanite and lab-grown diamonds are available in a variety of colors. Pascal's lab-grown diamonds come in brilliant white, pink, and blue colors. In addition to white, Moissanite also comes in yellow, blue and black.

Moissanite vs Diamond Strength

The strength of stone is rated on a scale of 0 to 10 on the Mohs hardness scale. Diamonds, including lab-grown diamonds, are among the most durable materials on earth, ranking in a perfect ten. While not as tough and durable as natural or lab-grown diamonds, moissanite has a hardness of 9.25, which means it is generally subject to everyday wear and tear.

Moissanite vs Diamond Brilliance

Brilliance, which gives a diamond its wow factor and brilliance, comes from the way the gemstone reflects light. Diamond has a high index of refraction, but moissanite is birefringent, which means that the back of the gem's facets reflect twice. To the naked eye, moissanite may appear hazy, yellowish, or gray inside. For armchair specialists, the visual difference between the two stones is so obvious at a glance that, once seen, it is difficult to ignore the optical comparison.

Moissanite and Diamond Pricing

Moissanite is a less expensive material than natural or lab-grown diamonds, so it usually sells for a lower retail price. However, like natural and lab-grown diamonds, the price of moissanite depends on the color quality of the gemstone. Moissanite is usually available in colorless and near-colorless, and if you are looking for natural or lab-grown diamonds, D, E, F are colorless and G, H, I are near-colorless. Every Pascal lab-grown diamond is graded at least Very Good, the second-highest grade achievable for natural and lab-grown diamonds.

MW's lab-grown diamonds cost about $200 per carat. Because our laboratory experts can precisely replicate the high quality standards of every diamond we produce, our pricing is transparent and based solely on carat weight. When you buy a natural diamond, prices can fluctuate wildly based on many factors, such as size, quality of color and clarity, and cut type. The sum of these factors makes estimating the price difficult since it is based on rarity.

There is no doubt that we all want sparkle, but for us, a longer-lasting, stronger, brighter natural or lab-grown diamond is the number one choice for value and quality.

If you're considering buying a ring for yourself, or just looking to gift someone a piece of beautifully crafted jewelry that can hold something of value, choose Moissanite. Why? It is as beautiful as a diamond, the only difference is the sparkle. The beauty of both gemstones is impeccable, so you will have jewelry that is just as beautiful, or you will get jewelry that looks stunning. That's why you can choose jewelry according to your wishes, there will be moissanite on it. Beauty is equal to "white handsome", so don't think too much.

Moissanite and diamonds are related gemstones in appearance, but they differ in carat, luster, and a few other details. These details are only apparent when you do enough research. Based on very interesting data, we can see that these are very similar gemstones, a perfect match. We believe your next choice will be Moissanite, diamond's twin brother, this gem will be your next love.




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